Supporting our Missionaries
At New Hope Christian Center we love supporting those in the mission field (at home or abroad) in an effort to spread the love of Jesus to the nations. Take a moment to read about the current missionaries and organizations we support.

The Becks in Africa
The Becks are missionaries in Africa. To give to their family and missions online through Allegro Solutions, you can click here to be taken to the donation page. On the donation page, you can enter the account designation code: Afr-Bck.SDB and the money will be directed to our family’s account. The donation page has an option for a one-time donation and an option to set up a recurring donation if you should so desire. There are several ways to give and all are explained at the link above and the whole process takes less than 5 minutes.
Danielle, Steve, Josiah, and Anna Beck began their life of missions in 2012 when they moved to Yei, South Sudan to work with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). However, after four years of life and ministry in South Sudan, the Becks and the rest of the YWAM Yei staff moved to Uganda after South Sudan’s civil war made the Yei area too dangerous. The Beck family then volunteered as staff with YWAM in Arua, Uganda from 2016 to 2021. During their years with YWAM, Danielle worked in and led YWAM’s children’s ministry. She helped to facilitate many weekly children’s programs, Sunday school teacher training workshops, and children’s trauma healing programs. Steve worked in and led various Church ministry groups along with the ministry to the South Sudanese refugees. He organized and participated in numerous discipleship seminars, leadership and pastoral trainings, and several portable Bible schools.
In 2019, Steve began teaching part-time at Bishop Allison Theological College (BATC) which is a part of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan. BATC was originally based in Yei, South Sudan but moved to Arua, Uganda because of the civil war. In 2021, Steve felt God leading him to leave YWAM and teach full time at BATC where he is still serving today. BATC trains and equips pastors, church leaders, and upcoming church leaders to faithfully serve God and their congregations. In the four years that Steve has been with BATC, he has taught classes on different books of the Bible (i.e., Pentateuch, The Gospels and Acts, and The Letter to the Hebrews), as well as classes of Church History, The Role of the Church in Society, and Systematic Theology.
In 2020, Danielle, members of the YWAM Children’s Ministry, and a partner organization: Project 2:5, started a ministry called Nazareth House. At the end of 2021, Danielle felt God’s call to leave YWAM and volunteer full-time with Nazareth House where she is serving today. Nazareth House provides a safe space in the community for children to learn and grow after school, on the weekends, and on school breaks. Nazareth House has organized various clubs for children to learn new skills and have fun (i.e., baking, dance, football, art, etc.). They have weekly programs where children hear God’s word, learn memory verses, sing songs, do crafts, and hear how much God loves them. They also provide school sponsorships and family assistance for around 20 children. Nazareth House facilitates parent support groups and they run parenting seminars and skills training for the adults in the community. Nazareth House is working alongside families to see that all families in their community are healthy and safe.
Josiah and Anna are doing a mix of homeschool and online high school. Josiah is in the middle of high school and Anna is just beginning. Josiah enjoys drawing, listening to music, and he loves playing his electric guitar. Anna also enjoys listening to music and is currently learning to play the keyboard. Anna likes hanging out with her friends from youth group, playing board games, and has a lot of fun babysitting. And when Anna has time, she helps Danielle with some of the programs at Nazareth House.

Project Share Ministry
Our Project Share Ministry is a small food bank for those in need. For donations or to request assistance, please contact the church office.